Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Roller Coaster Week


I wanted to write a quick note to say that we are doing very well!  The past week and a half has been a whirl wind!  Here's a bit of a timeline:

Saturday, May 19th:  Two of our great friends were married in Holland, MI, and Jeff was a groomsman.  For those of you who know him, we got to dance that night with Dr. Billings - A - wait for it - MAZING!

Sunday, May 20th:  We drove the 11 hours out to Sibley, Iowa, arriving around supper time.  That evening I spent time with my mom, while Jeff and Britta took Ahbea and Aysha for a walk.

Monday, May 21st:  The morning was spent watching the Christmas episode of Downton Abbey and buying flowers.  In the afternoon and evening, Jeff and I went to Alton Reformed where we met with the East Sioux Classis.  

Tuesday, May 22nd:  We were back in Alton, Iowa, by 8:30, where we waited until 2:15 for my exams to come around.  My parents and Jeff were able to sit in, along with many of my favorite people in our classis.  My exams were on the Polity and Standards of the RCA, as well as the History and Missions of the RCA.  There were actually some great discussions, and I found out soon after that I had passed.  We stayed and listened to my classmates give their theology exams.  Then we drove to Sheldon, Iowa, and watched Jurnea and the Generals win in their first game of the season!  Jurnea pitched and batted very well :D.  We also got to spend time with my Grandmas and my cousin Allison whom we hadn't seen since our wedding.

Wednesday, May 23rd:  Got up early again, and drove the 11 hours back to Holland, MI.  We did some final packing, talked to Jeff's family for a while, and then were in bed.

Thursday, May 24th:  Woke up at 4:30 and made the 4ish hour drive to CEDAR POINT (booya).  After Top Thrill Dragster, Millenium Force (with a great friend, Valorie Love), Magnium twice, the Raptor, Maverick, and many more, we were POOPED by 8:30.  

Friday, May 25th:  Woke up...a little later...and drove 8 more hours until we arrived in Theresa, New York, where we will actually be staying (what sleeping in the same state as the night before?!) for the next 10 weeks.  The town is small, and absolutely gorgeous.  The people are wonderful, and very welcoming.  We are living in a home of a lady named Olive, who now lives in a nursing home.  She is in her 90's so at times we feel as though we are living in our great grandmother's home (her daughter even put m&m's in the candy dish :D).  We have loved it so far.

Saturday, May 26th:  Spent the day unpacking and getting acquainted with the area.  The pastor owns a small camp resort area, and we watched the sunset on the St. Lawrence River with his family, as well as played games with them. 

Sunday, May 27th:  Went to church - We really enjoyed the sharing of joys and concerns in the congregation.  There is such a comfortable air, that everyone feels encouraged to introduce new people, voice prayer concerns, and shout out praises.  It was beautiful.  We ate lunch with Pastor Bob's family.  Then we went down town and worked at the church's Hot Dog stand which was set up for the Memorial Day parade.  It was kind of like working the Tropical Sno stand, except Keshia wasn't there to rap with me.  We had a lot of fun, but were also pretty tired after that.  Spent a relaxed evening.

Monday, May 28th:  Memorial Day - In the afternoon we were invited to a couple from the church's home for a party.  Daryl and Gale are alpaca farmers, and we spent about 30 minutes petting and playing with the alpacas!!  It was so much fun!!  

Tuesday, May 29th:  We have been exploring the area with some new friends of our from the congregation.  We have been so blessed to come here, and are having a great time!!  


Monday, May 7, 2012

Pointed Hats and Billowing Robes

We have not posted for a while!!  Soon we will be writing of the summer, and then there will be more to come.   As of right now, we are in the mist of packing, preparing to move into our new home in the fall, and getting ready to go to New York for the summer.  All of this is piled on top of Jeff and I both having Classis Exams, and many of our dear friends graduating.  I can say in full confidence that I am not complaining in any of these changes, and have actually enjoyed most of all of it (even studying RCA History).  I do wish my classmates the VERY BEST, but it will be hard to watch them walk across the stage, for I will miss them so much.

Most of the Western Theological Seminary Class of 2012 in the In Residence program began three this journey three years ago with me.  We danced together at Tim and Nancy's.  We cried together at the Junior Retreat.  We wrote projects together, ate together, went on trips together, translated together, shared life together, and even played some ping-pong and golf together.  And here we are for most of us:  at the end of this three year time together.  In proper counseling fashion, I know that I can say I will mourn this transition of not seeing my class daily.  I am extremely excited for the friends staying, and the new friendships which will begin, but I must recognize the fact that this time is coming to a close.  Next year when I walk down the seminary halls, Keith will not be there to give me a fist-bump.  There will be no cowboy hats from Chiapas.  No little Zoe calling for her mom as she sings up by the organ.  Jen won't be doing announcements, and Marla won't be there to make them.  Whenever Shell Silverstein is referenced, it will be less funny.  There will be fewer Star Wars references in my life, and not as many people around me telling me their latest Lord of the Rings insight.  I will miss these people dearly, and I struggle to think that we will not be together in classes any longer.

I do think there is a beauty to our small denomination (and can connect the PCUSA and the CRC in with this comment):  we like to stay connected.  I have ENJOYED learning with my classmates, but I think this past year has shown me that I will LOVE serving and leading together with them even more.  The LORD has been preparing each of us to come to seminary in order that we might not all stay in classrooms together.  We were meant to come here, because we were meant to continue in our calling.  While it is bittersweet to see all of my friends leaving this Stemed Town, they (WE) were never meant to stay in this specific place.  Some may stay in Holland, but they were will be pastors and teachers.  We (All of the Church) were meant to grow, following where God is leading, and impacting lives along the way.  These seems like a sappy graduation speech, but it is true.  We are created and formed for something larger than we can imagine.  Let us go forth and witness....