Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Purpose

I (Chelsea) begin this blog while sitting in our apartment in Holland, MI.  Jeff is at Hebrew tonight, and after reading one of my friends blogs, I realized many people had asked us when we were going to start a blog.  I thought...why not tonight?!  So here it is.  The name comes from one of the boys I nanny during the week (Elijah).  He is two and right now his favorite book is a children's version of The Pilgrim's Progress entitled The Long Journey, except Elijah can't say Journey yet (he also can't quite say "Chelsea" yet either so he calls me Ella) so when he wants to read the book he exclaims, "Ella!  Long Walk!"  I realized how fitting a name it was for life.  As we live and breathe in our life in Christ, we slowly become more like him through the Holy Spirit (theological term:  sanctification).  It is a slow, life long process.  A long walk with Christ into a deeper relationship with the LORD.  So, Elijah, while you didn't mean to, you are very theologically correct and inspiring.  I also think the name is open to a lot of things...our travels, daily life, food...basically anything in Jeff and my journey of our marriage together as well as all that theological stuff I talked about earlier :).

I am excited to start writing, and so we begin.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading this (and not just because you mentioned my kids!) and know I'll love reading all the posts to come. Love the way you so seamlessly talk about life and theology.
